Friday, February 24, 2006

What's New????

Sorry folks,

Its been long time , since i posted some thing. It is not because i was extremely busy or some thing, it is just that there was nothing much happening unless you discount the fact that there were some issues that kept on dragging.

So what's new??? Job is fixed, graduation nearing, hmmm..... bird flu in India spoiling my chances of eating the chicken. Not that I eat a lot, maybe once a week thing is also eliminated. Waiting for the budget, want to see if atleast now i can make use of my MBA. Never really understood the budget, except that prices go up and I am supposed to make some purchases ASAP.

Will be moving to Pune around the month of June and new life starts from there. Hope things work out smoothly from now till then on. After that work will take over, fatigue will creep it and i will finally stop posting anything at all.

Working on the next edition of Gravity II along with the team, Have to come up with some good themes for this edition.

Class in progress, so will post some thing later,

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